The KickStart Project Team

We couldn’t run these projects in Kenya without our charity members, mentors and project facilitators.



Founder and director


Founder and director

Esther founded The Kickstart Project in 2015 after working on education and development programs in Rotary for a number of years. She spent a year in Africa in 2012, researching, volunteering and working in various parts of South, East and North Africa, and has fostered a passion for education from her experiences.



Local program coordinator


Serah is the local Kickstart Project Program Coordinator on the ground in Nairobi. Serah works closely with the sponsored students as an organiser and a mentor, and ensures the students have everything they need for a successful sponsorship. Serah purchases uniforms, books, pays termly school fees and hosts mentoring workshops throughout the duration of the sponsorship.  



Kickstart Project board member


Kickstart Project board member

Paula has been part of The Kickstart Project since day one. She has a long history in Rotary, having been a member of Rotary for most of her life. She offers knowledge, experience and a deep understanding of how to implement successful projects in developing countries. Her leadership and advice has been vital in the development of the sponsorship program in Kenya. 



Accounts management


Accounts management

Margriet is our accounts manager for The Kickstart Project and oversees all the funds that enter and exit our charity accounts. She keeps records of all of our expenditure within the charity so that we can maximise the percentage of dollars that reach our projects in Kenya.

The Kickstart Project Sponsorship Program Facilitators

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Pasomi is a published author and secondary teacher in Kenya. She has published and co-published a number of primary and secondary school text books, story books and a novel that are currently part of the Kenyan primary and secondary school curriculum. Pasomi is our Kickstart Project mentoring facilitator and has been a big part of our Mentoring and Leadership program since it began in 2014.




Megan is both a mother and a qualified teacher in Kenya. She teaches at a school in Western Kenya and is committed to improving the lives of students from disadvantaged communities in Kenya. Megan assists with the application and selection process for new students into the sponsorship program, as well as offering support and advice to the students as part of the Mentoring and Leadership Program.




Aggrey is the head teacher at a small primary school and orphanage in the Kibera Slum, Kenya. Aggrey assists with the application and selection process for new students into the sponsorship program, as well as offering support and advice to the students as part of the Mentoring and Leadership Program.