The Kickstart Project Medical and Health Programs

The Kickstart Project team is assisting with the set-up of a medical clinic in partnership with another Kenyan charity - The Ronnie Fund. This clinic is the only medical facility to serve several villages in a very remote area of Kenya - the Taita Hills.

The Wongonyi Medical Dispensary was officially opened on the 1st August 2016 and currently sees 25-30 patients per day. The clinic is run by one very passionate and hard-working local doctor, who lives on the property and is on call 24 hours per day.

The clinic manages childhood growth monitoring, immunisations, maternity services, malaria treatment, snake and insect bites, respiratory disease and diabetes management, cervical cancer screenings, blood pressure and hypertension management, soft tissue injuries, family planning and general health care.

 There is a long wish-list of medical equipment and resources that this clinic still requires in order to serve the remote communities in the Taita Hills more effectively.

The Kickstart Project team is working alongside the medical clinic's board and other supporting charities to assist in the further growth and management of this fantastic facility