Bravin was born in 2009 in a small village called Nyankononi in the Kisii County, Kenya. Bravin lives with his parents and younger brother. His father works as a casual driver, but jobs are hard to come by and he is often unable to earn money for days, sometimes weeks at a time. Bravin and his brother often go to sleep with empty stomachs as there is no money to buy food for the family.
Bravin’s home consists of a single-roomed building made predominantly of corrugated iron sheets. There is no plumbing to the home and no sink or bathroom/shower facilities at all. The family must visit a public toilet and shower but these facilities are very unhygienic and often very busy. Bravin sleeps on the ground as his parents cannot afford to purchase or build beds for the family. This results in frequent illnesses due to the persistent flooding in the home during the rainy season.
Bravin’s mother became sick during his primary school education, which added another level of difficulty for the family to make ends meet. Bravin was often teased for wearing torn clothes to school, but he didn’t let his deter him from working hard and achieving good grades.
Bravin has faced many challenges in his young life but he is focused and determined to make a bright future for himself and his family.
Bravin’s dreams of studying science in order to learn about new sustainable technologies to reverse or improve the environmental impact that we have on the world.