The Neill Family in New Zealand – Proud sponsors of Beryl
— July 25, 2017
We are extremely honoured to know that with sponsoring her we will change her life and her own family’s lives.
We are a family of five and have been lucky to be able to support our children financially and mentally in their own path of education and career choices.
We have for some years considered Sponsoring a child but have been put off by the knowledge that with larger Sponsoring Companies a lot of the money we give is spent on administration. So in view of this we never did anything about this until a family member showed us The Kickstart Project Sponsorship Program.
The information and details on the website and Facebook page about The Kickstart Project Sponsorship Program was extremely informative and we were reassured that if we sponsored a child, the money we would give would be solely used for the child’s education requirements and not lost on administration costs.
We are now the proud sponsors of a young Kenyan girl named Beryl, and we are extremely honoured to know that with sponsoring her we will change her life and her own family’s lives.
We have received regular correspondence from The Kickstart Project and this week we have received Beryl’s first report and school results, as well as a personal letter from her.
It is a lovely feeling that we know we will be making a difference in one person’s life and we are extremely thankful for the organisers of The Kickstart Project to provide such a worthwhile program.